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The pitcher is credited with a strikeout. The catcher is credited with the putout, unless the batter-runner has to be retired at first base with a throw from the catcher. In that case, the catcher would get an assist and the base man covering first would get the putout.

Source(s):Senior League Baseball World Series information director; Official Baseball Rules: 10.09(b)(1), 10.10(b)(1), 10.15(a)
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13y ago

A strikeout is a pitching statistic. The pitcher is credited with a strikeout under his or her pitching stats. A putout is a fielding statistic for defense. The catcher is credited with the putout under his or her fielding stats.

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15y ago

The catcher gets the putout.

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Q: Is a pitcher or catcher credited with a putout on a strikeout?
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What were the fielding stats for baseball player Buck Ewing playing at catcher for the Cleveland Spiders in 1893?

Buck Ewing played in just one game at catcher for the Cleveland Spiders in 1893 and did not start. He made one putout, had no assists, and committed one error, equivalent to 1 errors per game (estimate based on total games played in). He had no double plays.

What were the fielding stats for baseball player Mike Mahoney playing at catcher for the Boston Beaneaters in 1897?

Mike Mahoney played in just one game at catcher for the Boston Beaneaters in 1897 and did not start. He made one putout, had no assists, and committed no errors, equivalent to 0 errors per game (estimate based on total games played in). He had no double plays.

What were the fielding stats for baseball player John O'Connell playing at catcher for the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1928?

John O'Connell played in just one game at catcher for the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1928 and did not start. He made one putout, had 2 assists, and committed no errors, equivalent to 0 errors per game (estimate based on total games played in). He had no double plays.

What were the fielding stats for baseball player Alex Sabo playing at catcher for the Washington Senators in 1937?

Alex Sabo played in just one game at catcher for the Washington Senators in 1937 and did not start. He made one putout, had no assists, and committed no errors, equivalent to 0 errors per game (estimate based on total games played in). He had no double plays.

What were the fielding stats for baseball player Hal Wagner playing at catcher for the Philadelphia Athletics in 1937?

Hal Wagner played in just one game at catcher for the Philadelphia Athletics in 1937 and did not start. He made one putout, had no assists, and committed no errors, equivalent to 0 errors per game (estimate based on total games played in). He had one double play.

Related questions

If a catcher is credited with a putout on a strikeout does the pitcher get an assist as most stat programs do not give assists in this instance?

The pitcher does not get an assist unless the batter strikes out and the ball bounces to the pitcher, who throws the ball to the catcher, who tags out the runner.

Does a strikeout count as a put out?

Yes. A catcher gets credited with the putout on a strikeout if the ball is caught cleanly. In the event of a dropped third strike, if the catcher tags the hitter, he again gets credited with the putout. If the third strike is dropped and the catcher must throw down to first, the catcher gets credited with an assist and the first baseman gets credited with the putout. In no case would the pitcher get credit for the putout or assist. Source: MLB Official Rule 10.09b

Does a pitcher get credit for a strikeout if a runner gets to first base via the third strike drop rule?

Yes. If the runner reaches first base, it is usually due to an error on the catcher's part, so the scoring is 'K' for strikeout but 'E2' for the catcher dropping the ball. If the catcher recovers in time, then again the 'K' for strikeout is accompanied by '2-3' for the actual putout at first base.

If the catcher drops the third strike and the batter is safe at first base is that an error on the catcher?

No, it is just recorded as a strikeoutYES ... It's scored a strikeout and a 2-3 put out ...Correction:Strikeouts are credited as putouts by the catcher According to Rule 10.09(b)(2)According to Rule 10.15(a)(2&3) a strike out is credited when a 3rd strike is dropped, thus, I suppose it would be a putout technically, however, it would not go down as 2-3 (this would give the putout to the 1st basemen)

Does a strike out count as an at bat in fast pitch softball?

A putout is a fielding statistic. In the case of a strikeout, the putout is credited to the catcher.

Who gets credit for an out when a bunted ball hits the batter?

If the runner is in foul territory when the ball hits him, it is a foul ball. If it is a 2 strike bunt attempt, then the pitcher is credited with a strikeout. If the runner is in fair territory the credit would then go to the pitcher, who was the last fielder to touch the ball. My question, then, would be is it an assist or a putout? That answer I do not know.

When a batter advances to second on a bad throw to from the outfield is this a 2 base hit or a single and a stolen base?

It would be scored as an out and the credit would go to the catcher, since he is the closest player to play. ANSWER: It depends upon whether the ball was contacted in fair or foul territory when contacted by the runner. In fair territory the runner is out, play is dead (runners can't advance), and the catcher is credited with the putout. In foul territory, it depends on the count. With two strikes the batter is out, and the pitcher is credited with a strikeout. With less than two strikes, it is treated as a strike.

In baseball when a batter strikeouts who gets credit for the out The pitcher or catcher?

MLB Rule 10.09b-4 is pretty unambiguous: The official scorer shall credit an automatic putout to the catcher when a: ... (4) batter is called out for being touched by his own batted ball;

When an a catcher get credit for a putout without touching the ball?

If there is a runner on first base and less than 2 outs, and on the third strike to the batter the catcher misses the ball entirely, the batter is still out and the catcher is credited with the putout. If a runner is one first base with less then 2 outs, a missed 3rd strike is not officially recorded as a putout by the catcher as there is nowhere for the runner to go as the batter cannot advance in this situation. The only time a catcher or any other position player can get a put out without touching the ball is in the case of runner-interference - - i.e. The batter pops up a ball a runner (either the batter or a guy from 3rd) runs into the catcher, not allowing him a chance to make a play on the ball -- the runner would be called out and the catcher would be credited with the out) -- another scenerio would be a bunt or swinging bunt where the batter makes contact with the ball in fair territory (not in batters box) -- this would be a batted ball touched by a base runner in fair territory -- the batter would be out, with the recorded out going to the closest position player (in this scenerio, that would be the catcher)

What is a putout in baseball?

A putout in baseball is the person who has the ball when the out is made. example: on a strike out the putout goes to the catcher on a ground out to the 1st baseman the 1st baseman gets the putout on a flyout the one who catches the ball gets the putout

Who gets the putout when a batter hits the ball but he is out of the batters box and does the pitcher get a strike out?

The batter is out, scored 2u, not a strike out.

If a line drive ball off the bat hits the runner on third base and flies in the air is the batter out when the third baseman catches the fly ball?

No. Once a batted ball strikes a baserunner the ruling is a dead ball. In this instance, if the runner is in fair territory, they player struck by the ball is out, and the batter is credited with a single --- if the runner is in foul territory and struck this is a foul ball. Same would apply with hitting the batting coach