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Hitting for the cycle refers to when one player aquires every type of hit in one game - that being a single, double, triple, and a home run.

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Q: In baseball what does hitting the cycle mean?
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What does it mean to hit for the cycle in baseball?

'Hitting for the cycle' means a player got a single, double, triple, and home run in the same game.

What are some notable events that can occur in a baseball game?

No Hitters Hitting for the cycle Breaking a record

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What are the odds of hitting a home run cycle?

Hitting for the cycle and hitting a no-hitter are equally rare, sitting at 0.001139 51.73%

What is the meaning of the words hitting?

Well it could mean many things. In baseball hitting is called connecting the ball with your bat. In football it means to tackle a player. Hitting could also mean a punch.

What does it mean when a baseball player points to the stands?

That he plans on hitting a home-run.

In baseball a no hitter or hitting for the cycle which is more rare?

Actually, both occur at about the same rate. In MLB history, there have been 255 no hitters thrown and 277 batters to hit for the cycle. Click on the links below to see the pitchers that have thrown no hitters and the batters that have hit for the cycle.

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Boy hitting a baseball into a neighbors window

What does hitting in the hole mean in baseball?

it means the next batter after the on deck man(on deck man is the next batter after the man who is batting)

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What is a cycle in softball?

In baseball, it is when a player hits a single, double, triple and home run (in any order, but if in that order a natural cycle)in the same game, so it is probably the same thing in softball. It is the same in softball as well.

What does hitting a double mean in coed softball?

Hitting a double means that because of your hit you were able to advance two bases safely. it means the same thing in all type of softball. It also means the same thing in baseball.