Only jet fighter planes break sound barrier now.
No, helicopter blades do not break the sound barrier. The tips of the blades can approach the speed of sound, but the entire blade does not exceed the speed of sound.
Chuck Yeager flew the Bell X1 to break the sound barrier in 1947Chuck Yeager flew the Bell X1 to break the sound barrier
Concorde breaks the sound barrier at 2.02mach Super sonic aircraft break the sound barier. They used the plane x-1
Yes, depending on which aircraft you have but there is no indication that you have broken the sound barrier unfortunately.
Most modern guns DO fire bullets that break the sound barrier. That is, their bullets travel faster than the speed of sound when they are fired.
it will break loudly
The first man made device to break the sound barrier is the whip. The first pilot to break the sound barrier was Chuck Yeager, flying a Bell X-1 at Mach 1 in October of 1947.