Heres One; Hitting.
Απεργία (apergia) with the meaning of demonstration and Χτύπημα (htipima) with the meaning of hitting someone or something.
Words close in meaning.
mad,angry,the need of hitting,punchin,kickin, ect. something
== == Similar words are called "synonyms."Synonyms
The expression "hitting on" meaning trying to start a relationship, has a connotation of violence.
'MEANING' in other words can be the 'vocabulary' of a word or the 'essence' of the word as to what the word precisely means. OR meaning is the meaning of meaning what you just said meaning
Words that are opposite in meaning are known as antonyms.
The study of the meaning and interpretation of words is called semantics. Semantics focuses on how words convey meaning and how this meaning is understood and interpreted within different contexts and cultures.
The literal meaning is Denotation. The implied meaning is Connotation.
It is a slang expression, meaning "call me" or "find me". It has nothing to do with actually hitting/punching a person.