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publicity, money, the fact its fun, interesting and gthe fact its called football instead of ricking soccer its a british sport, shouldn't you start calling it the same name as thwe people who invented it, and isn't football a more logical name for where you kick a ball with your foot, what does American 'football' have to do with football anyway, shoudlnt we be calling that soccer instead of American football?

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13y ago
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14y ago


When Association Football (Soccer) was first coded in 1863, the game was strictly amateur. Over the next three decades the game gained in popularity and so did the pressure for Soccer to become a professional sport. Some clubs gave better players illicit payments to retain their services and players were lured from club to club with similar irregular payments. The Football Association came under increasing pressure to eliminate these payments by professionalising the game or risk losing control. In 1895 the Football Association finally relented and allowed payments to players. Today the FA runs both professional and amateur leagues.

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11y ago

Soccer became a Professional sport when teams began paying players to play for their wandering teams in the early 1800's. (Also the reason why many Soccer Teams are called the Wanderers or Rovers) Many teams were a collection of players who were drawn from various areas areas to compete against other teams, and to attarct the best players, some teams started paying players to play for them. This made them a "professional" player.

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15y ago

soccer was originally called football in Europe and now here in the U.S we call it soccer for some weird reason which I am not sure about. I call it football if people start calling it football before I die in the U.S I will be a happy person.


The term football refers to a variety of games played using a ball and where one element of the game is to score goals by kicking the ball. For this reason many people assume that this is where the term originates.

Another historical explanation is that football originally referred to a variety of games which were played on foot by peasants, as opposed to the sports of gentry and aristocrats, which often involved horse-riding. There is no conclusive evidence for either explanation.

Worldwide, Association football, more commonly known as just "football" or "soccer", is the most popular of all football variants. However, the word football is applied to whichever form of football is the most popular in each particular part of the world. Hence, the word "football" is applied to Association football, American football, Australian rules football, Gaelic football, Rugby union football, Rugby league football and other related games. These variations of the game are known as "codes".

In the U.K., Association football is the most popular form of the game and so is generally just called football, as Gridiron is the the most popular form in the U.S, it is generally referred to as football, and in order to differentiate the two forms of the game, Association football is generally known as soccer.

The word soccer, which is by no means an American term, is derived from the shortening of the word Association to Assoc.

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14y ago

well the first starting was way bak in china wen they dribbled and pasted a leather ball. trust me i no this stuff i am a soccer addict add to last comment... it was in like the 200's

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16y ago

England started it off with the Premier League

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14y ago

1004 b.C

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