

How dangerous is ice hockey?

Updated: 9/24/2022
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14y ago

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Ice Hockey is very dangerous. It is a very physical sport, also. You can get hit, get in a fight, or even get cut by a skate blade. I myself am a hockey player and while it is fun, precautions must be taken. If someone falls , the skate blade could easily come up and cut your throat. Unfortunately, this has happened quite a few times in the NHL. Videos of these incidents can be found on YouTube. Getting hit into the boards could cause a concussion, a broken bone, or many teeth lost. A fight could easily crack your orbital bone in your eye, knock out a few teeth, or break your knuckles. Don't let these discourage you from playing, though. If you are afraid of these happening, I suggest you be a goalie, just play safe, or don't play. What's the point if your fear is going to effect your performance.

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