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Soviets had always been a fixture in Russia that settled neighborly disputes and other things too small for the government to bother with. They gained real power when the czar was dethroned in the March Revolution. The soviets only became socialist in the 1800s and even then, not all soviets were made up of communists and not all the ones that had socialists were entirely socialist.

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Q: Did the socialist set up the Soviets after the march revolution?
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Who was more in the October Revolution important Lenin or Trotsky?

Lenin was more important by far. Lenin was the founder and leader of the Bolshevik Party, which eventually took over the country and set up the new socialist government. Trotsky was not even a member of the Bolshevik Party until shortly before the revolution. Trotsky became more of a right hand man to Lenin during the revolution and afterwords but he was never above Lenin in leadership.

What were the goals of the Russian revolution?

The revolutionaries in Russia wanted to create a government where they were equally represented and wouldn't be ignored as in the governemtn run by the Tsars. They also wanted to get rid of the noble class that had abused them for so long. Social Equality and Economic Democracy

What set the stage for the Industrial Revolution?

The Agricultural Revolution

Who led the Russian revolution in 1917 and set up a communist state in russia?

Technically speaking, no one ever set up a communist state as Karl Marx defined communism. Vladimir Lenin, after the October Russian Revolution, set up a socialist state in Russia, expecting that at some time in the future it would become a true communist state. It was referred to as a communist state because he had the name of the Bolshevik Party changed to the Communist Party in 1918.

Were the Bolsheviks for communism?

No, the Bolshevik Revolution ended in socialism and a poor version of it as well. Communism as Karl Marx saw it could not be imposed on any country, but socialism could. The Russian government was socialist that was run by people who called themselves Communist.

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Who were the Soviets set up by?

The Petrograd factory workers.

What did The Bolsheviks rename themselves?

Bolshevik was the first name of the political party headed by Vladimir Lenin and formed in 1903. Prior to 1903, the Bolsheviks were members of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. Subsequent to the October Revolution in 1917, the renamed themselves the Communist Party.

What kind of government did the Soviets set up in 1948?

a communist :)

What does a government do in a socialist country?

set prices for goods and services

What does the government do in the socialist country?

set prices for goods and services

What Country the Sandinistas set out to reform?

The Sandinistas set out to reform Nicaragua. They were a socialist political movement that successfully overthrew the Somoza dictatorship in 1979 and aimed to establish a socialist society in Nicaragua.

Who fought in the Russian revolution?

There were two Revolutions in Russia. In the March Revolution, anti-czarists forced teh czar to abdicate and set up a democratic government. In the November or Bolshevik Revolution, the Bolsheviks (communist party) overthrew that government and turned Russia communist.

Who led the revolution in Russia?

The "communist revolution" was led by Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik Party followers. There were two Russian Revolutions in 1917. The February Revolution ousted the Czar, but was not a communist revolution. The October Revolution was orchestrated by Lenin and the Bolsheviks and ousted the Provisional Government set up after the February Revolution. The Bolshevik changed their name to Communists in March 1918.

Which slogan is associated with the Bolshevik Russian Revolution?

Two slogans were "Peace! Bread! Land!" and "All Power to the Soviets." Vladimir Lenin concocted these and never fulfilled either one. He did end Russia's part in World War 1, but his takeover of the government in the Bolshevik Revolution set off the Russian Civil War.

In Russia by what name were the Bolsheviks known?

In Russian, the term 'Bolshevik' means 'majority men', who were in favour of a Communist Revolution lead by the Proletariat. There were also the Mensheviks, or 'minority men', who wanted a Socialist Revolution led by the Middle Classes- in effect, replacing one set of bosses with another set of bosses, who would have governed the country on the basis of inequality of education and academic elitism as oppose to inequality of wealth. Those in favour of a Proletarian revolution were in the majority, hence the term 'Bolshevik'.

Who was more in the October Revolution important Lenin or Trotsky?

Lenin was more important by far. Lenin was the founder and leader of the Bolshevik Party, which eventually took over the country and set up the new socialist government. Trotsky was not even a member of the Bolshevik Party until shortly before the revolution. Trotsky became more of a right hand man to Lenin during the revolution and afterwords but he was never above Lenin in leadership.