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Two slogans were "Peace! Bread! Land!" and "All Power to the Soviets." Vladimir Lenin concocted these and never fulfilled either one. He did end Russia's part in World War 1, but his takeover of the government in the Bolshevik Revolution set off the Russian Civil War.

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There were several but two stand out. One was "Peace! Bread! Land!" Another was "All power to the soviets."

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Peace, land, and bread

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"Peace, Land, Bread"

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Q: Which slogan is associated with the Bolshevik Russian Revolution?
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Peace bread and land is associated with?

The Bolsheviks. It's a slogan of the early Bolsheviks. This phrase is associated with Vladimir Lenin, the Bolshevik Party and the Russian Revolution, specifically the October Revolution of 1917. The phrase was used before the revolution on posters designed to rally around the Bolsheviks, because it meant ending Russia's participation in World War 1, and end to food shortages and an end to unfair distribution of land among the wealthy.

What was a slogan of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917?

Not so much a slogan.. more a decree peace land bread It should be counted as a slogan since it appeared on many posters prior to the Bolshevik Revolution. Lenin also used as a rallying cry the slogan: "All power to the Soviets." This meant that all political and military power should be in the hands of the soviets, or councils of workers and soldiers that sprang up in many cities just prior to the revolution.

Who promised Peace Food and Land?

Lenin and his Bolshevik supporters promised these to the Russian people. They meant an end to Russia's involvement in World War I, a redistribution of land to the peasant farmers and an end to food shortages cause by the inept governing of the Tsar.

What is the phrase peace bread and land associated with?

It was a "slogan" used by Lenin during the October Revolution, often reiterated by the proletarians. It is associated with the Bolsheviks

What was the Russian Revolution about?

The March Revolution was about the czar's disregard for the Russian people. The November or Bolshevik Revolution was about the continued poor treatment of the Russian civilians and the Provisional Government's refusal to remove Russia from World War I.

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The slogan for the french revolution is Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite.

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The Glorious Revolution.

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