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Q: After the March Revolution socialists set up councils called?
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What was the revolution in Germany that occurred in 1848 called?

March Revolution

What was the German revolution in 1848 called?

In English is March Revolution and in German is Vormärz (pre-march period)

Did the socialist set up the Soviets after the march revolution?

Soviets had always been a fixture in Russia that settled neighborly disputes and other things too small for the government to bother with. They gained real power when the czar was dethroned in the March Revolution. The soviets only became socialist in the 1800s and even then, not all soviets were made up of communists and not all the ones that had socialists were entirely socialist.

What was the contribution of mensheviks and Bolsheviks to the Russian revolution?

The Mensheviks and Bolsheviks were the main factions in the soviet councils and the main factions involved in the March 1917 overthrow of the czar. The Mensheviks established the Provisional Government which the Bolsheviks wrested power from in the November Revolution.

Why were Father Gapon's march and Bloody Sundays important?

Why were Father Gapon's march and Bloody Sunday important? They led to the communist-backed revolution of 1905. They resulted in the creation of soviets, or elected councils. They showed the power of the Russian Orthodox Church. They demonstrated Nicholas II's neglect of his people.

What did the March revolution in 1917 force?

In Russia, the 1917 March revolution forced Czar Nicholas to step down from the Russian throne.

The provisional government that ruled Russia after the March 1917 Revolution was?

The provisional Government that ruled Russia after the March 1917 Revolution was chosen by the Duma.

When did the German revolution begin?

In March of 1848.

After the March 1917 revolution was ruled by who?

The Provisional Government ruled Russia after the March Revolution. It was headed first by Prince Georgy Lvov then Alexander Kerensky. Lenin did not take over till after the October Revolution.

A leader of the provisional government that assumed power after the march 1917 revolution was?

Alexander Kerensky was a leader of the provisional government that assumed power after the March 1917 revolution.

What happened on march 1776?

the American revolution started

When did the Syrian revolution begin?

early march of 2011