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In general they are, and by some distance. The top womens football team would not compete with the top male one. The goalkeeping, in particular, is far below the standard of the male game, and women are naturally weaker than men.


there is a difference in the style of play though. women tend to take their time and think through their decisions more than men. men play the ball 1 or 2 touch.

No you dumbanus women play better soccer than men do and u can kiss my anus.

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Q: Are men soccer players better then women soccer players?
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About women soccer?

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Is there a difference in men soccer and women soccer?

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The only professional women's league was the WPS, located in the U.S.A. It began in March 2009 and ceased operations in 2012.

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The same kit as the men's team usually but the German women's kit is slightly different.

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Women's soccer is in a different league to the men's soccer. Women use a soccer ball that is the same size as the men's soccer ball.

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Yes. They both have 11 players on each team

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Professional soccer players typically have shoe sizes ranging from 7 to 12 for men and 5 to 9.5 for women. The average shoe size for male professional soccer players is around 9.5, while for female professional players it is around 7.

Is there a men's and women's version of soccer?

No, men and women generally play on the same teams.

What are women soccer player salaries in Sweden?

The salaries of the women players is not listed. They would probably make a little less than the men players.

Do more men or women play soccer?

More men by a mile.

What does Shakespeare compare men and women to?

"And all the men and women merely players" (As You Like It)