

Best Answer

Acording to the calculations of my recordings a Basketball bounes better in conrete that any other type of surfaces.

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Q: What kind of surface does a basketball bounce best?
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What kind of surface is basketball played on?

a flat surface.

What kind of basketball best for outdoor basketball court?

an orange one

How do you bounce the ball on the hardwood floor?

It depends on the ball. If its a basketball then it'll be easy because its just like bouncing a basketball in your school gym. If its any other kind of ball then it'll be no different then bouncing a basketball. $Mariah$S$Miettinen$

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What kind a surface is the best reflector of sound?

The best reflector for sound will be massive, rigid, and with a smooth surface.

How high will ball bounce?

Depends on the kind of ball- and whether you mean the size of the ball, or how high it can go in flight. A basketball is large than a golf ball.

What is the best estimate of a basketball?

300cm is the best estimate for a basketball hoop

Does it matter what kind of shoes you wear in basketball?

The kind of shoes you should wear for basketball are basketball shoes.

Do Bouncing Bombs really bounce?

Not bounce in the sense that a ball bounces- they were designed for use over water, where they 'skipped' across the surface just as happens when you skim a stone across a pond. The speed and motion in which they were travelling meant that they were able to use the surface tension of the water as a kind of springboard, moving too fast for their weight to make them sink.

What kind of basketball is the best to use for a science fair project?

I would say the best basketball you should get is a not a very hard one kind of like a easy one that would flatten because if your doing a science project on the brain or stomach or an intestine that would be perfect.

What kind of texture reflects light evenly?

A smooth texture, such as glass or polished metal, reflects light evenly due to its lack of roughness or irregularities on the surface. This smooth surface allows light to bounce off uniformly, creating a consistent reflection.