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Q: What sport do you use a wooden like curved thing to catch and throw a ball with?
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Why are curved mirros curved?

because they need to be curved in order to reflect like a convex mirror needs to be curved so it can show thing bigger

Is a sport a object?

A sport or a thing .

What is the main sport?

There is no such thing as the main sport.

Is a wooden table a living thing?

No, a wooden table is not a living thing. Living things require the ability to grow, reproduce, and respond to stimuli, characteristics that a table does not possess.

What is the most important thing of bass fishing?

There are many things. Bass are fighters, spectacular athletes, and can be hard to fool on occasion. But, to answer your question. The most important thing is to practice "catch and release", so future generations can enjoy the sport.

What is this called a pointed wooden stick to be driven into the ground?

A pointed wooden stick that driven into the ground is a machine that have a pointed wooden thing that can driven into the ground it is a machine.

What can you catch from turtles?

One thing that you can catch from turtles is mycobacterium.

How do you draw a curved line on a graph from the equation?

i dont think there is such thing as the equation of a curved line the closest is probably a (hyperbola, ellipse, or parabola) with a restriction making it look like a curved line but it would be very complicated

How do you catch a stout?

there is no such thing

What is the wooden thing that starts with s?

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A Wooden Stake

What is recreational sport or slob sport and Is this the same thing as Blood sport?

Boxing, shootig, UFC ad so on