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Practice in a mirror or throw a ball really fast at a wall and try 2 catch it! Practice in a mirror too help you get better hand coordination. Or you may throw a ball at a wall and try to catch it so u can work on hand coordination

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Q: How can i work coordination eyes hands body in sport?
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What is the definition of hand eye coordination?

Hand-eye coordination is the ability of the hand-eye-coordination-1system to coordinate the information received through the eyes to control, guide, and direct the hands in the accomplishment of a given task, such as handwritingor catching a ball. Hand-eye coordination uses the eyes to direct attention and the hands to execute a task.

What is body eye coordination?

Hand-eye coordination is the ability to coordinate the eyes and hands in order to perform tasks or activities efficiently. It involves transmitting information from the eye to the brain, and then to the muscles to carry out a specific task. For example, catching a ball or typing on a keyboard both require good hand-eye coordination.

What will you need for video games effecting your hand eye coordination?

Usually just hands and eyes. And a console, or course.

How do you improve your hand-eye coordination?

catching a ball throwing a ball anything that has has to do with using your hands and eyes Juggling is a great skill to perfect.

What are the fastest reacting muscles in the human body?

in my opinion eyes and hands

Is it okay for you to pick at your eyes?

It is best to NOT pick at your eyes, even if they DO itch. Your hands are one of the most dirty places on your body; they are covered with germs and when you scratch your eyes, those germs transfer TO your eyes which makes them prone to infection. If you MUST scratch your eyes, wash your hands thoroughly before you do so.

What part of the body were use to measure by your forefathers?

we were use to measure your eyes or hands to become forefathers

What body parts does the Ko rean dragon have?

A body of a snake Feet and hands of an eagle teeth like a crocodile and eyes of an owl

What systems ofthe human body are used in football?

The three system of the body which are used in football are feet, eyes and hands by the goalkeeper.

What carpenters use - part of body?

Carpenters primarily use their hands and arms for tasks such as cutting, hammering, and measuring. They also use their eyes and coordination skills to ensure precision in their work. Additionally, their legs and back are important for standing, bending, and lifting heavy materials.

What body part might a pirate need to have the doctors check?

Hands/Arms, Eyes, Leg, Teeth.

Does washing hands reduce the risk of pathogens from entering the body?

Common pathogens usually enter the body through the eyes, nose, and mouth. Since the hands often come into contact with these areas, keeping your hands clean can prevent the transport of germs from some contaminated surface to your body.