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Yes, the standard .68 cal paintball marker can fire "pepper balls".The "pepper" that it fires is actually Capsaicin II (chili-pepper)

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Yes, but they are only sold to police and law enforcement.

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Q: Can paintball guns shoot pepper balls?
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Can a paintball gun shoot re balls?

Yes, reballs were made to be shot out of paintball guns.

What co2 pellet guns shoot rubber balls?

First, Pellet guns don't shoot rubber balls, they just shoot pellets. But I know what you are asking. I believe you are asking about RAM (Real Action Markers) paintball guns. These guns shoot a .43 caliber paintball or Rubber ball, not the much larger .68 caliber paintball that is associated with Paintball games. RAM guns are used for training by the police and other agencies. They feel just like a real firearm and even have blowback when fired. Umarex co carries a line of RAM guns. See the link below.

What is the difference between paintball guns and bb guns?

Nearly everything. Paintball guns are fired through the use of air or CO2. Also they shoot only paint. bb Guns shoot pellets, and look completely different then most paintball guns.

What gun shoots rubber balls?

You can buy rubber paintballs, they are called Reballs, and any paintball gun can shoot them. The police and militairy also have several specialized or modified guns to shoot them at higher FPS.

How do you shoot a paintball gun?

On most if not all paintball guns you would have to pull the trigger with the safety off.

Is gas paintball guns better than electric?

all paintball guns run on gas. some have electric triggers so they can shoot faster.

Are airsoft guns the same as bb guns?

No. Airsoft is a type of sport like paintball so airsoft guns you can shoot people. but please shoot responsibly.

Is it illegal to shoot your paintball gun in Ontario?

no it is not paintball guns are not illegal firearms like other weapons and a paintball guna cant kill you

What kind of gun does Dog the Bounty Hunter carry?

The Dog the Bounty Hunter team use pepperball guns. Much like paintball guns, pepperball guns have what's known as a "hopper", a chamber that holds the balls. Pepperballs are filled with mace.

Is 300 fps on a paintball gun good?

It depends on what you are comparing it with.

How much fps does the empire axe shoot?

All paintball guns shoot between 280 and 300 fps.

Can paintball guns shoot pepperballs?

Yes, but they are only for militairy and law enforcement purchase.