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It depends on what you are comparing it with.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

All paintball guns shoot around 300 fps.

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Q: Is 300 fps on a paintball gun good?
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Related questions

What is the fps of a paintball gun?

The fps of a paintball gun is usually in-between 300-400

How fast is the lancer paintball gun?

8 bps, 300 fps.

Which paintball gun has the greatest velocity?

All paintball markers are chronographed to the same velocity of around 290-300 FPS.

Does it hurt more getting shot by a Co2 paintball gun or slingshot paintball?

A Co2 gun can go up to 300 fps. Sling shoots only get a paintball up to 240.

What is more accuarate a 300 fps airsoft gun shooting plastic BBs or the average paintball gun?

It depends on the grade of your paint, and how good your paintball marker is. Paintballs will almost never get ball on ball accuracy.

How do you buy a powerful paintball gun?

All paintball markers must be chronographed at under 300 FPS, so all markers have the same "power."

What is a good fps for softair guns?

For a spring gun, a normal fps would be from 200-280 For an electric gun, a normal fps would be from 300-400 For a gas gun, a normal fps would be from 300-500

What is the velocity of a paintball being shot out of a paintball gun?

The legal maximum is 300 Feet Per Second. Some Fields bring that down to 280 or 260 fps.

How powerfull is a paint ball gun?

A paintball gun fires a .68 caliber .35 gram ball at 300 fps. If you where the right clothes (loose shirt, paintball vest, e.t.c.) it doesn't even hurt!

How safe is a paintball gun?

It depends on the amount of FPS (feet per second) the gun is firing at. But a good paintball gun will leave a good scar at a point blank distance. Any further than that and it will leave a welt.

What is the average speed a painball gun?

The average speed of a electric paintball gun is about 13 bps(balls per second). My paintball gun shoots 33 bps. The average speed of a electric paintball gun is about 13 bps(balls per second). My paintball gun shoots 33 bps.

How many feet per second does the Predator PR1000 paintball gun travel?

The legal limit is 300 feet per second. Some fields restrict this to 280 or 260 fps.