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Unlike the aerobic metabolism which consumes oxygen, the anaerobic system consumes glucose. Think of activities where your heart rate is elevated causing you to breathe heavier. Mountain biking and cross-country running are just 2 of many aerobic activities. As a rule of thumb, any activity that is repeated over a long period of time is aerobic.

So, what's left over?

Anaerobic activities are generally speedy, powerful activities. A good example would be sprinting in track & field. Why is sprinting anaerobic? Well, let's consider the definition of power. Power is the amount of force generated by a muscle in a single contraction or short series of contractions. Sprinting cannot qualify as endurance because it does not involve "repeated contractions over a longer period of time."

And so, because anaerobic activities are not sustained, the aerobic system is not called upon for sustained exertion. So, short bursts of speed and and strength use the anaerobic metabolism, burning glucose.

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12y ago

The aerobic system is used for low intensity, high duration sports such as long distance running, cycling, and many multi-sport events like a triathlon or ironman.

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Aerobic: Swimming, soccer, tennis, skiing, basketball, volleyball, and bicycling are examples of aerobic sports. Walking, jogging, and dancing. Anaerobic: Football, Basketball, Rugby, Hockey and Soccer

Is long distance running an aerobic sport?

Long distance running is an aerobic sport, meaning that it requires the processing and use of oxygen by the cardiovascular system.

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Glucose is the energy source that is used to release ATP through aerobic respiration. this is safe man

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