Long distance running is an aerobic sport, meaning that it requires the processing and use of oxygen by the cardiovascular system.
Aerobic energy system is used for long durations sports such as a Football And Marathon Running As The Aerobic energy System is used for long distance sport activities and can only be active when oxygen is there.
Long distance running.
Long distance running.
the sport of long distance cross country running
Running, especially long distance
the game squash is an aerobic exercise because you are sprinting, and turning repetitively. an anerobic exercise is like long distance running.
footballers use the aerobic system for long distance running
Lacrosse is a mix of both aerobic and anaerobic elements. Players need endurance for running around the field (aerobic), as well as short bursts of intense energy for sprinting, dodging, and shooting (anaerobic). Training programs for lacrosse players typically incorporate both aerobic and anaerobic exercises.
There are many types of aerobic exercises you can do. Examples are running, fast walking, swimming, biking, and any sport. As long as you get your heart to it's target heart rate it is considered aerobic.
Kenya is best at long distance running, like track or cross country.
You need to have the ability to maintain a good supply of aerobic energy. (Good Stamina) You need to be able to have a good long stride that is energy saving. :)
You can buy long distance running shoes from your local sport retail stores and department stores. You can also buy them online on Amazon.com and wiggle.co..