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Probably cross country skiing, swimming and skulling require the highest level of fitness.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Probably soccer because you are running for 90 minutes strait

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Q: What sport requires the highest fitness levels?
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What sport requires a high level of fitness from the begging?

All kinds of sports require high level of fitness. One must be physically fit to participate in any kind of sport. The basic requirement of any kind of sport is to have a lot of energy.

Is soccer a crap sport?

heck no! soccer is a really fun sport and it requires a great deal of strength, skill, agility, fitness and not to mention coordination. so anyone that says soccer is a "crap sport" should get a life!

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Rock climbing is an extreme sport that requires both high-level fitness and intense mental discipline.

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Why is volleyball a good sport for fitness?

Yes, volleyball is a good sport for fitness because it helps all of your mussels like arms and legs defiantly.