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High protein foods like fish and red meats. Avocados and peanut butter are great for gaining weight and muscle.

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Q: What meals are good for muscle gain alongside gym training?
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How do you gain muscle in 2 months?

Here are few strategies which can help a person gain muscle muscle quickly Positive calorie diet and frequent meals is the first priority Protein is your base of muscle gain Focus on compound movements Increase training intensity Avoid overtraining Track your progress and be consistent

How can a boy gain muscle size quick?

Here are few strategies which can help a person gain muscle size quickly Positive calorie diet and frequent meals is the first priority Protein is your base of muscle gain Focus on compound movements Increase training intensity Avoid overtraining Track your progress and be consistent

How do you gain weight to get muscle?

You don't gain weight in order to get muscle. You overload your muscles with heavy weight training, and then eat more to fuel the muscle growth.

What is the best way to earn muscles?

Here are few strategies which can help a person gain muscle size quickly Positive calorie diet and frequent meals is the first priority Protein is your base of muscle gain Focus on compound movements Increase training intensity Avoid overtraining Track your progress and be consistent

How could you gain muscle without using steriods?

Weight training.

When to use muscle fuel?

Its best to take once in the morning and after training, to optimise muscle weight gain.

Can you gain muscle mass with weight training without gaining weight?

No that is impossible. You cannot gain muscle mass without ever gaining weight.

What meals and exercises are there to gain lean muscle and get ripped?

To get ripped you need to get protein food to keep your metabolism high and maintain your muscle mass.

How can you gain mussle quick?

With a little intelligent bodybuilding training, you can build muscle mass and gain weight fast.

How do I loose weight and gain muscle at the same time?

Do cardio and muscle training exercises. Eat good foods qlot of protein

Will you gain wight if you keep training?

yes but it will be because muscle weighs more than fat

Is it true that weight training exercise can make a lean person to gain weight so that he or she becomes fit and able to have an athletic physique?

Yes. Muscle is more dense than fat. As you gain muscle mass, you do gain weight.