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89 quite weird though :D

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Q: What is age eighty bench press record?
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World record bench press 15 year old?

The world record bench press for a 15-year-old is currently held by Jake Schellenschlager, who lifted 335 pounds in 2014. It's important to note that records in sports like powerlifting can change frequently as athletes continue to push their limits.

Who holds the world record on the bench press for a 60 year old?

As of my last update, the world record for bench press in the 60-year-old age category is held by Dave Ricks with a lift of 216.1 kilograms (476 lbs) in the Masters category.

What is the average bench press for a male over eighteen?

At age eighteen the average is about 180, but that number drops with age.

World record for bench pressing 225 at 58?

The world record for bench pressing 225 pounds at age 58 is 51 repetitions by Andrzej Stanaszek from Poland in the Masters 6 (55-59 age group) category.

Is it possible for a 52 year old man to bench press 400lb?

The answer is yes. I can bench over 400 lbs at the age of 52. I have been training with weights on and off for over 35 years and can bench press 410 lbs. JPC Edina Minnesota

Who is the oldest person to bench press 300 lbs?

Tom Sisk of Woodstock GA bench pressed 308 lbs "raw" in sanctioned competition at age 75 and six months.

How much weight can you bench press im male 13 5 foot 4?

It mostly depends in your weight, a really good bench for any age is your own body weight.

Is it ok for a 13 year old to bench press?

Yes, this is about average for someone your age. You're nothing special, sunshine.

How old does someone have to be before they can bench press?

its not really an age thing but you waunt to make sure u can lift the bar with out help of someone else

What should you bench press at 23 years of age?

well im 23 and my record is 450. but i am a bodybuilder. there is no average weight because people are all different sizes and different muscle tone. i would say between 100lbs to your own bodyweight is pretty good. assuming you are over 100lbs.

How much can a freshman bench press?

that all depends on your bady structure build and how often and how much you exersice but do not push yourself over your own limit... I would say for a guy 80-150lbs and girl 40-120 I agree somewhat with the above answer, but 120 for a freshman girl is ALOT. Any woman who can legitamately bench press that, regardless of her age, has my wicked respect. I know some guys who, as freshmen, could bench press 345 pounds, while weighing 240. But others I knew bench pressed only the bar, so i agree there is a wide range of capability. I would say that a very impressive bench press for a freshman male is 200 pounds and up. For a girl, 90 pounds and up is similiarly impressive. Boy, the above poster sure has some high expectations in the bench press..... >.<

What is Richard Sandrak famous for?

Richard Sandrak is famous for being a body builder at a very young age. By the age of six, he could bench press 183 pounds and was known as "the world's strongest boy".