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depends on what you wiegh but at least your body weight

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

About 190-250 is a good number

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Q: How much should freshmen lineman bench?
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How much should you bench?

As much as you can

How much does Eric Allen of the Dallas Cowboys bench?

If you meant offensive lineman Larry Allen, who played for the Dallas Cowboys from 1994 to 2005 and the San Francisco 49ers in 2006 and 2007, he reportedly bench pressed more than 700 pounds.

How much should a 240 lb man bench press to start?

you should be able to bench your own weight.

How much should you bench press for 16?

it matters how much you weigh and your build but i am 150lbs and bench 225 and i am almost 16

How much an high school line men bench in football?

Probably between 300-400 on average and depends on how much you work out. I am (just graduated) a high school lineman, didn't work out much, benched 330. So you imagine someone who works out that is big in size would bench around 400 in high school.

How much should a man who is 5'9 be able to bench?

It doesn't matter how tall you are, to see how much you can bench but a grown man should able to do 65kg-100kg with out much prior training.

You are 27 and weigh 182 pounds how much should you be able to bench press?

You should be able to atleast bench over 385.

How much weight do college freshmen gain?

Many people say that college freshmen gain 15 pounds. It is called the freshmen 15.

How much should you weigh to be a lineman in seventh grade football?

Doesn't matter as long as you are good and can play the position.

How much should you be able to bench at 160 i am 5'11 and built pretty big?

Its considered good to bench your weight. But you should never rep your max, star lower and do about 10x

How old and how tall should you be to start lifting weights and how much should you be able to bench?

There is no specific age or height, i started when i was 13 and i was 5'11" and i could bench 115 on my first day.

How much should a 5 foot 6 14 year old bench?

I am 5'6 and I bench max out at 95. I have never worked out this much, just go slow and steady and you'll get there.