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You need to eat big and train big!! and then sleep. Forget your cardio sessions for a while - you dont wanna waste the calories. Use compound lifts - squats, deadlifts, bench press and shoulder press, hit these big muscles to grow big. Keep your reps low (6 - 8 per set) and lift heavy.. no I mean HEAVY. Eat alot, you need to get the calories up to grow. Get the protein intake up (about 2g per lb of body weight) I get up at 2.30am and 5.30am and have a protein shake ( C. 35g protein), only takes 5 mins then back to bed! you dont need to do this all the time - say for 1 month to kick start your growth. Take good whey protein if you cant get the food naturaly (like ON`s gold standard whey) - most important times are straight after work out, as you go bed and first thing in morning. Its all about dedication and hardwork!! am still trying to perfect it.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Unfortunately one can not enhance there genital area with pills or devices. The only way (and I`m not sure if this is possible) is cosmetic surgery. If you are still in your teenage years puberty may increase the size.

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12y ago

Supplements are not necessary for most people to get bigger, stronger muscles. Supplements are designed to assist the process, and do not give you bigger or stronger muscles on their own. When you take a supplement, you must also perform exercise, such as resistance or weight training, to grow your muscles. This process doesn't change.

If you want to get bigger muscles without taking supplements, simply do the workout. You may need to raise the intensity of your workout and/or modify your diet to compensate.

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17y ago

No. The male genitalia size is predetermined by your 'genes' before birth. In other words, you got what you got and there ain't nothin' you can do about it. Size should never be a 'status symbol', especially for something that nature controls and no human intervention can change. Most men have a similarly-sized penis. Any attempts to "amend" the size risks negative changes that may cause physical problems. Most women will say it is the technique that matters most.

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14y ago

If you want to get stronger endurance wise, use less heavy weights with higher reps.

If you want to get bulk and bigger, use heavier weights with less reps.

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Not unless you drop a weight on them while laughing.

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To be honest, I'm just starting out in weight lifting. But to me, power, as it relates to weight lifting, is the ability to consistently lift a given amount of weight.

Shouldthe soreness go away after you have been traing for a while?

yes unless you are lifting for body mass where you are always upping the weight you lift, in that case your always breaking down the muscle so it will grow bigger and the soreness will always be there.

Is cardio good for weight lifting?

Cardio is fantastic for weight lifting cardio allows for greater and more improved blood flow allowing for a greater amount of blood to reach the muscles during a workout allowing the muscles to become stronger bigger and have more stamina.

Will lifting weights burn fat and build muscle?

Yes lifting wights does burn fat an tone are moving while lifting an moving burns lifting weight tighten the fat flab so it's not saggy.