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You are planning on using testosterone supplements like steroids; dude, don't do it. Visit your family doctor, or a Urologist, and talk about testicular health and the optimal way to obtain it to ensure maximum testosterone levels, but DO NOT, use testosterone supplements or black market testosterone. Yes the hormone IS responsible for muscle growth, and it also helps to determine muscle strength. Why do you think you have situations where a smaller man is stronger than a larger one, or two men of the same size have different strength levels? It has to do with testosterone output and flow; two men who weigh and are built the same, may not have the same strength.

Muscle size though, is not just affected by testosterone; the strongest women in the world, all thickly limbed "bertha" types, the maximum they can bench press is often around 380 lbs or so. The strongest men can bench 550 lbs on average. Usually, a "bertha" type strong woman, weights around 220 to 250, a lot of it solid muscle. There are men as light as 175 lbs, who can bench press 350 lbs, even though a "bertha" woman may in fact have more muscle tissue. Strength is determined by testosterone, in that it does make muscles bigger, but more importantly, the chemical allows muscles to soak up A LOT of oxygen, which it then burns to cause the body to exert strength. In other words, lung capacity is important.

The reason steroids or heavy use of testosterone supplements are a VERY bad idea, is because the intake will cause the muscles to take in so much of the oxygen the body breathes in, the body can not work fast enough to replace the carbon dioxide it is trying so hard to get rid of, in other words, testosterone can cause your body to poison itself if there is too much of it. Moreover, because testosterone is involved with stimulation of the central nervous system (that is why its easier for men to focus), if it does not flow properly from exercise, it becomes a neurotoxic venom, if taken in as anabolic steroids, it can become an especially POTENT form of that venom. Although they said it for all the incorrect reasons, feminists are right about one thing; we men of all ages, do have poison flowing in our system. It has to be poison by its very nature, to keep central nervous system function, and to stimulate the intake of oxygen not to mention protein during puberty.

Charles Atlas was right you know; fresh air is important to strength development. Charles Atlas developed his training methods, from personal observations of Lions stretching, of all places, the Central Park zoo in New York. Personally I'd love to visit Charles Atlas' former home in New York; don't know if its safe to go to that place of Conney Island anymore though. Moving on; the fresh air thing, he got from the ancient Greeks. Although, the air the ancient Greeks most recommended you breathe to develop strength, was sea air. The salt, helps to keep germs out of your system, sea air, assuming there is no heavy settlement nearby, is the purest air you can breathe. The optimal place to strength train believe it or not, is indeed a deserted beach. The salty air, is purified, and the salt content helps the body's defenses. If you suffer from bacne, the sun will help your skin.

Yes, you can gain muscle, but don't do it. I recomend you Google "Charles Atlas," and carefully study everything he says to the letter if you have never strength trained before. If you have strength trained, you can take his exercises and do them how you wish; you can circuit them, do for strength only, toning only, whatever.


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