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Q: Amount of weight that an average man can clean and jerk?
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Related questions

What is the average a 15 year old boy can clean jerk?

An average fifteen year old should be able to successfully clean and jerk their body weight without breaking good form.

Which are the two basic moves in competitive weight lifting?

Clean and jerk, and the Snatch, with the snatch contested first and the clean & jerk second.

What are the lifts in weight lifting?

snatch and the clean and jerk in the olympics

Average clean and jerk?

Average for who? age? weight? gender? sport? level? training age?College female non-weightlifter: 60-70+ kgCollege female weightlifter: 90+ kgCollege male non-weightlifter: 100+ kgCollege male weightlifter: 150+ kgWith correct technique and coaching, the sky's the limit...

What is the heaviest weight lifting category?

Leonid Taranenko of the USSR lifted 266.0Kg in the Clean & Jerk in 1988. This remains the heaviest ever Clean and Jerk recorded in competition.

What activity uses the terms clean jerk and snatch?

These terms are used in weight lifting. They are different techniques of lifting the weights.

What actors and actresses appeared in Clean and Jerk - 2010?

The cast of Clean and Jerk - 2010 includes: Cyril Nri

Wrestling - clean and jerk?

nope! clean and dirty!

Heaviest weight lifted by a athlete at the Olympic games?

The olympic record for clean and jerk in the super heavys(105+) was set in Athens by Hossein Rezazadeh at 262.5kg

What is the Olympic weightlifting record?

Weightlifting, or olympic weightlifting is a sport consisting of two disciplines, the snatch (contested first) and the clean & jerk (contested second). Powerlifting is a sport consisting of three movements, the squat, the bench press and finally the deadlift. Both sports utilize a barbell and competitors are scored based on the highest amount of weight lifted succesfully.

What is an example of strong verbs?

benchpress, squat, clean & jerk

Best exercise for discus thrower?

other than practicing throwing? Weight lifting (focus on bench press, squat, snatch and clean & jerk) and work with medicine ball (i.e., twists).