If this twelve year old is on steriods, maybe. I wish I could bench that much and I'm 15!
Buddy i am 12 will be 13 in 5 months i bench 175 i am 5,3 135 lbs my dad is a body builder we bench all this time.
a 14 year old boy shouldn't workout too much as his muscles are still forming and growing. Exercises that will help to enlarge the pecks are barbell bench press, incline barbell bench press, decline barbell bench press, and decline dumbbell bench press.
The strength of a 13-year-old's bench press can vary greatly depending on factors such as training, genetics, and overall physical development. Generally, a strong 13-year-old might be able to bench press around 100-150 pounds. However, it's important for young individuals to prioritize proper form and technique rather than focus solely on lifting heavy weights.
it will depend on what kind of bench it is :P
400 lbs
i am 12 and i weigh around that i do loads of weights and i can bench press around 60 KG
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There is not much information here, but I am 50 and I have done a ton of searches simply asking what the indiana state bench press records are for old men like me.
no not really i am 12 and i bench 100
about 7 stone im 13 and can bench press 10-11 stone and that's quite a bit above average.
90-10,000 pounds. 90-10,000 pounds.