Thoroughbred horses were bred to be race horses. They are fast indeed, but it doesnt mean they are the fastest.
Thoroughbred horses are found on farms throughout Kentucky. There are also found in every state in the United States and in other countries. They live wherever an owner who loves thoroughbred horses lives.
There are appaloosa horses and American saddlebred horses, thoroughbred horses and American quarter horses, there also are more types
Thoroughbreds are from England.
welsh Shetland thoroughbred
They are both about Thoroughbred race horses, other than that they are unrelated.
This depends on what you mean by Thoroughbred Paint. Thoroughbreds and Paints are two separate breeds. You can however have Thoroughbreds with pinto markings, but they are not Paints. You can also have Paint horses registered as appendix if they have one Thoroughbred parent.
No, others include quarter horses and standardbreds.
Yes, AI is widely used in breeding thoroughbred horses.
Stallions, Ponies,Geldings,Thoroughbred
They are born on January 1st.
He had thoroughbred race horses