A time of 5.445 is impossible in a barrel race. A time of 15.445 might be good, but it depends on the size of the arena.
depends on the size of the ring but an average time is 15.859 sec.
Well the fact that the barrel cactus can line so long without water I would say a long time.
A good bike to use in a time trial road race would have to be a time trial bike. It is a racing bike that is designed for use in a individual race. They do have racing bikes also.
If you have the money, time and a good gunsmith, yes.
One hour and 15 minutes would be a good time to finish a 12km race, one hour would be a very good time and anything under one hour is extremely good.
25 secs is a good time a very good one at that actually.
To Barrel race you have to go FAST! and on the first turn (1st barrel) u have to go on the left lead then switch between the first and second barrel. Tight turns help your time and you can't go to tight and knock a barrel because that adds penalty time. After the third barrel get your horse to go ask fast as you can. Of course control in key also (which how you make the turns as i said farther up.) you have to be able to change leads and make turns. I know a lot about barrel racing because I'm great at it and compete a lot.
For someone with good form and someone who is in good shape the race should add somewhere in the relm of 5 secs