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depends on the size of the ring but an average time is 15.859 sec.

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14y ago

No, if you go to a competitive barrel race we run like 14-16. For a beginner that is okay however, you have to start somewhere! :)

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Is math involved in barrel racing?

The only way math could be involved in barrel racing is if you look at it using physics.

What is considered a fast time in barrel racing?

20 seconds

What is the salary for a barrel rasing horse trainer?

The salary of a barrel racing horse trainer varies depending on how good you are.

What is the hardest thing about barrel racing?

The hardest thing about barrel racing is the ground.

If a barrel gets knocked over in barrel racing how much time is added?

In barrel racing 5 seconds is added for each nocked over barrel but in some contests if a barrel is nocked over its a dq and if u nock over all three its a dq

How much are you supposed to weigh for barrel racing?

There is no set weight requirement for barrel racing. Riders of all shapes and sizes can excel in the sport with proper training and technique. It is more important to have a strong connection with your horse and good riding skills for success in barrel racing.

Is 15.2 hh a good height for barrel racing?

Yes. You want a nice short fast horse to get around the barrel's quicker.

What is an average barrel racing time?

on a normal pattern, it is usually 16 seconds or less.. :)

What is the tack you need for barrel racing?

A broken snaffle bit, and a hackamore works really good for me to!

What breed of horse is good for Barrel Racing?

Quarter horseor most horses that are bred from America

What is barrel racing about?

barrel racing is about you and your horse trusting each other. And going around all three barrels and getting really close to them without knocking them over... Your goal is to beat everybody out and get the best time.

Why is a mustang not best for barrel racing?

They do not have strong hind-quarters and a horse for barrel racing needs them to be able to do fast turns.