half an hour
To run 1600 meters at a pace of 10 and a half minutes per mile requires 10 minutes 26.4 seconds.
you jog in the first half then you run in the second half
Yes, it will make you run half a mile a lot faster. If you can do 3 miles then you can run a half mile much faster than before.
around 3 and a half hours.
that is really slow. i ran my first mile half in 9:30
you run on the track and sometimes on the street and/or road
If your goal is a 11 min. mile and a half, your mile time should be about 7:33.
I have to run a mile and a half today for a military PFT (Physical Fitness Test) and the standard for full points is 9:36...
Practice and training. The record for a mile is less than 4 minutes, so half a mile should be easy.
The treadmill pace to run a 10.24-minute mile and a half must be at least 8.8 miles per hour.