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When talking about calorie usage, what's important isn't what you do, but how hard and how long you keep at it.

If you get equally sweaty and winded, expect to burn about the same amount of calories for the same length of exercise.

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In general the answer is yes. Weight Lifting can burn more calories.

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Q: Does weightlifting burn more calories than walking?
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Do you burn more calories thinking than walking a mile?

No. I'm sorry to inform you that thinking does not burn anywhere near as many calories as walking a mile does.

Can weightlifting help with weight lost?

yes, weightlifting is a better way to lose fat because weightlifting requires more energy, and energy = calories, so the more energy you need, the more calories you burn, the more weight you lose.Yes. If you regularly burn up more calories each day than you consume through eating and drinking, you will have to lose weight. That's why bodybuilders tend to eat a lot (of healthy food) AND they also drink those protein shakes which are high-calorie too. They have to take in a lot of calories to support the energy output the give at the gym.

What is burning calories?

You burn about more than 1,000 calories a day! You can burn calories by walking across the room or sitting down. Even by just scratching your head! It's that easy.

Does jogging burn more than walking?

When it comes to burning calories, your heart rate is much more important than what it is that you are doing. If you can reach and sustain the same heart rate for the same amount of time you will burn pretty much the same amount of calories regardless of activity.So if jogging gets you sweatier and more winded than walking, then it will also burn more calories for the same length of exercise.

Do you burn more calories speed walking or running?

Running because it uses more energy. You are moving faster And your heart beats faster burning more calories.

Do you burn more calories while walking or jogging?

When it comes to burning calories, your heart rate is much more important than what it is that you are doing. If you can reach and sustain the same heart rate for the same amount of time you will burn pretty much the same amount of calories regardless of activity.But probably, jogging would get your heart rate up more than walking, so for the same period of time, jogging would burn more calories.

How many calories on average does a woman 5'7'' tall burn walking 100 steps?

It depends on how much you weight. Heavier people require more energy to move and thus burn more calories than thinner people.

Do you burn the same amount of calories running as you do walking the same distance?

You burn more calories per minute of exercise running than walking. However, if you run a set distance the workout is done a lot faster than if you walked the same distance. It's usually pretty much a draw between a short and high burn or a longer lower burn. It would make more sense to ask if you would burn more calories by running or walking for a half an hour. You would clearly burn more calories by running for a half an hour than by walking for a half an hour. But walking would be much gentler on your joints, while running might be better cardiovascularly.

Do you lose as many calories walking as you do running?

This actually depends on a few factors. Running will of course need more energy than walking. This is however TimeWise. 10 minutes of running burn more calories that 10 minutes of walking. If one look at distance instead of time. 1 mile of running burns only marginally more calories than 1 mile of walking. You will however build up more muscles and extend your lungcapacity more by running than with slow walking. Regards.

How many calories will you burn if you are training a dog?

It's all based on how much you're doing... Running and constant everyday activities will always burn more calories then just walking every once in a while!

How many hours walking are needed to lose 7700 calories?

It really depends how many calories you're cutting back and how many you're burning.. Say your burning 500 calories a day that would be just over 15 days. You didn't really specify the amount being cut or being expended. 7716 calories is only 2.2 pounds if you were wondering.