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Arousal level applies to the focus and stimulation of a person to or by a task. for example, if somebody was hitting in Baseball, a very low arousal level would see the hitter feeling bored, tired or not caring, and would most likely lead to a poor result. somebody with a high arousal level would be very nervous or worries and concentrating too much, and would also be likely to lead to a poor result. for the best result, the hitter must find the medium between being too aroused, and barely or not aroused by the task.

for a closed skill, one that has no outside influences eg. weather, environmental conditions etc., arousal level needs to be higher than medium to ensure the best result. for an open skill, arousal level needs to be lower than medium.

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Q: What is optimum Arousal in sport?
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Example of low arousal levels in sport?

Arousal can effect sport performance, for example if you have poor arousal, you will not be ready for a sports game and won't perform to the standard you can do. If you have good arousal your performance will be better as you will be ready for a performance. By Lewis soal

How does preparation affect sport performance?

preparation can effect performance in sport in many ways. first of all a warm is crucial to best performance and it is also used as mental preparation, getting 'syked' for the game or performance. you need preparation to reach optimum arousal. arousal is getting 'your head in the game' but getting to the optimum needs practice as you can be under aroused and over aroused which are both bad. metal rehearsal is when the performer plays over a successful performance in their head, this makes ready for their performance and gets rid of nerves. relaxation- massage, listening to music etc. and also zoning out- just clearing your head of everything and only focusing on your performance, this helps top reach optimum arousal and focus. if you don't prepare for your performance then the performance will be poor and deteriorate.

Different Types Of Arousal in sport?

under, over and optimal

Why would you use arousal in sport?

For if you want to get more active.

What channel is bein sports for optimum?

As of now (11/25/2012) beIN sport is still not available on optimum.

What is the difference between arousal and anxiety in sport?

Arousal is general physical and psychological activity. Anxiety is a negative emotional state with feelings of worry, nervousness and apprehension that is associated with the activation of the body.

What does optimum arousal mean?

Optimum arousal refers to the level of physiological and mental activation that is ideal for an individual's peak performance. It is the level at which a person is sufficiently stimulated and energized to perform well without becoming overly anxious or stressed. Finding this balance is important for achieving optimal performance in tasks that require focus, attention, and skill.

What happens if you have Arousal in sport?

you just have to eat lots and lots of peanut butter and you will be fine

What causes arousal in sport?

Arousal in sport can be caused by a combination of factors such as competition, adrenaline, excitement, desire to win, and the physical and mental demands of the sport. Factors like crowd noise, pressure, and the importance of the event can also contribute to arousal levels in athletes.

What is the arousal theory?

Arousal theory is based on the ideas that different individuals perform better at different levels of arousal and that every individual seeks to find its optimum level. Some people enjoy a quite evening to relax while others might prefer a loud concert to end a tough week. This also explains the behaviors of thrill-seekers. There optimum arousal level is high, so to feel comfortable they get involved in sensational acts. Another part of the arousal theory is the Yerkes-Dodson law. This states that simple tasks require a high level of arousal to get the motivation to do them, while difficult tasks require low arousal to get the proper motivation. You may have found that doing your boring busy-work homework requires a lot of effort on your part while doing a difficult brain teaser is fun and is easy to concentrate on.

What is arousal theory?

Arousal theory is based on the ideas that different individuals perform better at different levels of arousal and that every individual seeks to find its optimum level. Some people enjoy a quite evening to relax while others might prefer a loud concert to end a tough week. This also explains the behaviors of thrill-seekers. There optimum arousal level is high, so to feel comfortable they get involved in sensational acts. Another part of the arousal theory is the Yerkes-Dodson law. This states that simple tasks require a high level of arousal to get the motivation to do them, while difficult tasks require low arousal to get the proper motivation. You may have found that doing your boring busy-work homework requires a lot of effort on your part while doing a difficult brain teaser is fun and is easy to concentrate on.