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Kata are considered to be the living 'densho' of Karate. From Okinawan 'Toudi' through it's transplantation to mainland Japan, all styles of Karate maintained their own style-specific Kata. Kata is more than a mnemonic training devise for muscle memory. The student can become immersed in the kata and live the experiences of being attacked by multiple attackers, even with weapons. They can go full out in their defense, holding nothing back as they would have to do in a competition format. For disciple of Karate, there is no substitute for Kata or makiwara training.

Some styles, like Sakiyama Sensei's Shoreiji Ryu Toudi Jutsu, have five levels of applications for each Kata, taught at different levels of understanding. The first level includes tai sabaki (body movement) as well as receiving techniques, off balancing and counter punching, The next level includes throws and sweeps and skeletal manipulation. the third level included multiple attackers with weapons, The forth level included multiple simultaneous attackers with weapons and include the use of Kyusho Mato. The fifth level teaches to heal the attacker after disabling them. There are 128 recorded classical Okinawan karate Kata even though most schools use a very small amount.

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13y ago
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16y ago

There are a couple different types of kumite.

One is a series of 'known' moves practiced with a partner. This allows someone to develop timing and distance in the techniques.

The other is what is known is sparring or free style fighting.

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14y ago

The number of kata that are taught varies from style to style. My style has 18 kata you have to learn before black-belt testing. There are several others that can be learned after one becomes a black belt.

the number of katas vary depending on which karate school you go to my school has 27 karate katas that you have to learn before you go to a black belt grading. there are a further 49 that you have to learn before you continue after black belt. some of them are made up by a number of instructors that belong to the same school and they make the kata specially for there school. there are also other kata that are known and used worldwide.

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15y ago

The kata that are done vary by style of karate. My style has 19 kata that are done on a regular basis, 18 have to be known for Shodan.

* Anan * Annanko * Aoinagi * Arakaki-Seisan * Channan * Chinsu Chinte * Chinto Gankaku Empi * Gekisai * Hakatsuru * Hakaku * Hakucho * Heiko * Ipairinpe * Suparinpei

* Peichurin * Jiin * Jion * Juroku * Jitte Jutte * Kihon Geicho Hyung * Kosokun Kushanku

* kanku-sho Kosokun, Kanku Dai Shiho Kosokun * Kururunfa * Matsukase * Matsumora-Rohai * Meikyo * Myojo * Naihanchi Tekki * Nipaipo * Niseishi Nijushiho * Ohan * Pachu * Paiku * Paipuren * Oyadomari Passai Bassai Dai Bassai * Ishimine Passai * Passai Sho Bassai Sho * Matsumura Passai * Tomari Passai * Koryu Passai * Pinan Heian * Rohai * Saifa * Sanchin * Sanseiryu * Seienchin * Seipai * Seishan Hangetsu * Shimpa * Shisochin Sochin * Taikyoku * Tensho * Unsu, Unshu, Unsu * Useishi

* Gojushiho Sho * Wando Wankan * Wanshu Enpi * Gojushiho Gojushiho Dai

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11y ago

Some of them are:

Basic Katas

  • Junino Kata
  • Daichi Dosa
  • Daini Dosa
  • Daisan Dosa
  • Daiyon Dosa
  • Heien Nidan (pinan ni-dan)
  • Heian Shodan (pinan sho-dan)
  • Heian Sandan (pinan san-dan)
  • Sanchin
  • Heien Yondan (pinan yon-dan)
  • Myoju
  • Heian Godan (pinan go-dan)
  • Aoyagi
  • Juroku
  • Naifanchi Shodan
  • Tensho

1st Dan

  • Bassai dai

2nd Dan

  • Seienchin
  • Seisan
  • Matsukaze

3rd Dan

  • Seipai

4th Dan

  • Shiho Kosokun
  • Chintei
  • Soochin
  • Chinto
  • Sanseiru
  • Tomari no Wanshu

5th Dan

  • Annan
  • Shisoochin
  • Unsu
  • Kururunfa
  • Tomari no Bassai
  • Paiku

6th Dan

  • Gojushiho
  • Heiku
  • Nipaipo
  • Haffa
  • Hakkaku
  • Papuren
  • Suparimpei
  • Chatanyara no Kusanku
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14y ago

The two symbols that make up kata are cutting and ground. It is defined as a set of moves and sequences that represent fighting techniques.

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13y ago

Karate is a martial art that originated in Okinawa. It combined local Wrestling techniques with White Crane Kung Fu from China. It is a striking art that has spread throughout the world.

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12y ago

There are many skills to learn in karate. And I mean many! You are always learning something new!

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10y ago

Some kata styles to perform in a tournament include CMX kata, Nage-no-kata, Katame-no-kata and the Kime-no-kata

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Why are the last four katas in Wado Ryu karate known as the four jewels in the crown?

because they are the four main katas that make up Wado Ryu karate.

What are the 15 karate katas?

There are many more than 15 karate katas. Each style has their own set of katas and some do not overlap. In my style there are 20: 5 Kihon Kata 5 Pinan Kata 3 Bassai Kata 3 Naihanchi Kata 2 Kusanku Kata Chinto Gojushiho

What is the 5th katas called in karate?

From what I know: 1. Kionkataich 2. Kionkatanii 3. Kionkatasan 4. Pidanshodan 5. Pidansandan

Is karate a team or individual sport?

neither it is the study of martial tecnique through katas, sparring, drills etc, however the school, instructer, style etc. conducts it. Karate means empty hand.

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Daniel Larusso got taught Shotokan Karate in the Karate Kid

You want to learn karate?

Yes, I want to learn Karate, but I want to do it in Japan and learn it from someone who practices the OLD Shotokan Katas, as Giching Funakoshi originally taught them. I want to go through, the training Funakoshi's students went through.

Does anyone know where to find Wado-ryu Karate videos?

Hey I do Wado-Ryu Karate and I found the videos on youtube helpful, especially with katas. Just type in Wado-Ryu Karate. Hope this helps. Megan x.

What is the importance of learning katas in karate?

Kata is the most basic building block of karate. It builds muscle, creates automatic responses and serves as the foundation for learning application. Once one has learned kata, you can start learning bunkai, the application of the kata, to combat situations.

Who discovered karate?

There is more than one person who created the original karate. It evolved over centuries. Now there have been more different styles of karate made by different people. Here are some of the key teachers: -Sakukawa Kanga -Matsumura Sokon -Itosu Anko -Arakaki Seisho -Higaonna Kanryo -Gichin Funakoshi -Motobu Choki Karate was originally called To De (Chinese hand) and was developed by several masters in the course of time. No specific person invented it but it was invented for self defense.

Should Karate be included in the Olympics and why?

It could be included because there is a type of karate called "Freestyle Kata, is a type of karate Kata mixed up with gymnastics, check in youtube for some freestyle Katas. No! In order to be in the Olympics there have to be very specific rules. That goes against the basic premise of karate, defense without any rules. The minute that rules, any rules, are applied it moves from a martial art to a sport.

Is the devil went down to georgia in rockband 1?

in karate i like doing katas. the karate kata are called basic stationary exercise basic moving exercise naihanchi shodan kata basic kicking exercise naihanchi nidan kata naihanchi sandan kata tomari seisan kata pinan shodan kata pinan nidan kata pinan sandan kata pinan seisan kata pinan yondan kata pinan godan kata lot of katas huh

Is karate available in all states?

No karate is not spread in all the nations but WKF is working on it