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There is more than one person who created the original karate. It evolved over centuries.

Now there have been more different styles of karate made by different people. Here are some of the key teachers:

-Sakukawa Kanga

-Matsumura Sokon

-Itosu Anko

-Arakaki Seisho

-Higaonna Kanryo

-Gichin Funakoshi

-Motobu Choki

Karate was originally called To De (Chinese hand) and was developed by several masters in the course of time. No specific person invented it but it was invented for self defense.

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9y ago
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12y ago

Karate is a blend of White Crane style Kung fu and Okinawan Wrestling (te). Legend says that Kung fu was created by the Bodhidharma in the Buddhist temples of China and that he was an Indian prince.

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15y ago

{| |- | It wasn't discovered so much as it evolved over centuries. The origins of karate are shrouded in mystery. The Chinese came to Okinawa and brought with them kung fu. It was combined with the native art of Te and became karate. It became a necessity when King Sho Shin made the wearing of swords illegal in 1477. |}

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13y ago

Karate is a blend of Okinawan fighting style known as Te and Chinese Kung Fu. No one person started it.

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14y ago

There are many differant founders of differant styles of karate. eg: GKR karate or IGK karate Sho-to-kan karate all have differant founders.

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10y ago

No single person created karate. It evolved over many generations.

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10y ago

Many of the katas are very old and were adapted from forms used in kung fu. The Pinan katas of Shorinryu were created by Ankou Itosu based on the higher level katas.

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11y ago

There is no single person that created it. It evolved over many centuries and was modified and changed over time.

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try karate kid, it is very funny... hope i helped

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