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probably because they forsee more money in a professional job instead of going to college and being a "normal" person. This is not always true, there are some great jobs you can have if you go to college as well.

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11y ago
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13y ago

They don't. There is a rule against it now. Players have to spend at least one year in college.

...Actually the high school players who entered the draft must be 19 years & older and they have one year more after high school to enter. So that year they have the opportunity of going to college like Derrick Rose or you could go to Europe and play pro there and return to America to play here like Brandon Jennings.

- iheartyou..maybe

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11y ago

It all depends on the players opinion. Just because the rules say that you have to have a year of college doesn't mean that you have to do that. There shouldn't be a rule against that.

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11y ago

They are professionals, my good sir. You should be feel negatively about yourself for asking. Your question is irritating. I'm having a bad day. Donkeys Outlook 2010 caused errors in AOL Instant Messenger.

(Edited original answer to make it readable for the average person)

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14y ago

The life of a professional athlete might seem luxurious, but during season it is hard work. You have to put up with anyone on the team you may dislike and you have to follow all kind of commands from higher ups (coaches, managers, and owners). Or risk getting fired or sued. You must watch out for your actions at all times during the season cause' you can risk losing sponsors which leads to money loss. The advantages of being a professional athlete is doing the thing you love and the pay(is not great for all Pro athletes).

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12y ago

No. In recent years, professional leagues have drafted athletes directly from high school.

It is advisable, however, to still attend college, if for no other reason than to have something which the athlete can fall back on in the event his professional career does not pan out.

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15y ago

Because someone is willing to pay them that much.

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12y ago

very thin because there are a lot of other good college players and u could just stink

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12y ago

having a healthy body earn money etc....

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Q: Do have to go to college to play professinal sports?
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Nah ur fat mate

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