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An Official American League Ban Johnson Reach Baseball made during the years 1901-1927 is worth in the $1,000.-$1,200. price range. Without the Box!

This baseball with Red, and Blue stitching is very rare in any condition, and it is Extremely Rare to find in unused condition. With the box, your baseball could be worth as much as $2,000. I have include a link to an Official Bsabeball Dating & price Guide. The picture I have is the condition of a baseball commonly found from this period.

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Q: What is the value of an unused 1925 American League baseball still in its box?
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How much is a Reach Official American League Baseball worth?

Spalding along with the Reach label was producing Major league baseball for about 100 years until Rawlings took over in 1977. To find a value for your baseball you must narrow down the era the baseball is from. The age of the baseball can be found by the stamp of the League predident that appears on the ball. Foe example Ban Johnson baseballs were made from 1901-1927 and could be worth about $1,200. more or less depending on the condition of the baseball. Joe Cronin baseballs were made from 1959 - 1973 and have a value in the $200. price range. See related links below for an Official Baseball Dating guide that also features the estimated market value.