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Yes. In the early 1990s the American Women's Baseball League (AWBL) was formed and continues today. In 1994, the Womens National Adult Baseball Association formed. In 1997, the Ladies League Baseball was formed, which became the first Womens Professional Baseball League since the All American Girls Professional League, but folded a year later due to lack of attendance.

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Why did they create a women baseball league?

they didn't want to discremenate the women from the men

Who played in the first women's baseball league?

it was the chicago clubs

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Mamie Johnson was one of three women to play in the Negro League, the other two being Connie Morgan and Toni Stone. According to, Mamie, who was born September 27, 1935 currently manages the Negro Baseball League's Memorabilia Shop in Prince Georges County, Maryland. So yes,she is still alive.

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What floor can displays of women in baseball be found on in the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum?

there has never been a women in the major league baseball there so there will be no section in the hall of fame

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The League of Women Voters was formed in 1920 by Carrie Chapman Catt. Its purpose was to garner national attention in order to gain voting rights for women. It is still in existence.

Does women circumcision still exist today?

Unfortunately, yes.

What movie has Tom Hanks reluctantly coaching a women's baseball team?

A League of Their Own

What does the all American girls professional baseball league have to do with World War 2?

A huge chunk of the male players in the pro baseball teams were drafted or enlisted. Therefore the sport was essentially put to bed for the duration of the war. Therefore the female baseball teams were given a tremendous boost. They were able to travel around the country and provide baseball entertainment. There are still many of those women who played on the various teams alive today. Movies have been made about these great women. Gena Davis starred in one and it is a fabulous movie.