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The amount of weight one is able to bench press can vary greatly depending on the individual's body frame and muscle mass. An individual that is thinner, will most likely not be able to start a weight lifting program and expect to life greater than 100 pounds. Talking with your primary care doctor would be helpful in laying the foundation of a good exercise program, especially for teenagers, as they are not finishing developing.

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10y ago
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14y ago

i weigh 140 and im 14 years old and 5'10 i bench 145 8 times but once i could prolly put up 160 on a good day dont worry how much you do just get your sets done of 10 and so on it doesnt matter wat you bench just do wat u can yull get bigger

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15y ago

Actually a 14 year old-or any person can lift whatever their body allows. For example if you are tone, and are built, or workout often you are able to lift up to however many pounds of bone muscle you have. Try weights, most teens can't lift more than 15 pounds. If you can, consider yourself lucky.

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12y ago

The only person that truly knows that answer is urself, dont stress ur back to much tho. If ur lower back feels sore after doing them lower the weight and MAKE SURE u have proper form otherwise there are chances u could stunt ur growth

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15y ago

im 14 and i lift around 30-35 if im just doin g one lift i can do 110. but do 35 to start

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14y ago

it varies depending on your strength, height and weith.

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12y ago

You should be able to lift your body weight.

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12y ago

actually i am 14 and i bench 145 but that's because i work out a lot and eat a lot of meat and protein etc

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13y ago

Ushally About 80-90 pounds

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How much weight should a 90lb 14 year old be able to bench?

If your strong 50 lbs.

How much should a 12 year old boy be able to bench?

Doesn't matter, you do what you can do and that's the end of it.

How much should a 5 foot 6 14 year old bench?

I am 5'6 and I bench max out at 95. I have never worked out this much, just go slow and steady and you'll get there.

How much pound should a 16 year lift?

a 16 year old should be lifting in his bench press around 150 and 200 pounds, if you bench within these numbers than your in pretty good shape. But if were talking about squating it should be around 200 threw 250 pounds , but most 16 year olds barely squat as much as bench.

How much should a 121 pound 15 year old bench?

Three fifty should be pretty easy for a 15 year old male. Pump it up buddy and keep on lifting!

How much should a 15 year old male who ways 170 be able 2 bench and curl?

If your in good shape you should be able to bench you weight, but keep in mind that is a 15 year old that is in shape.As far as arm curls go, I would say 40lbs.

How much should a 210 lb 31 year old man be able to bench press?

i think that he should start off with 100 lbs but in the end, he should be able to bench 200. some where near his weight.

How much should a 15 year old bench I can bench 308lbs and I weigh 170 lbs and am 5 foot 7?

first of all you cannot bench 308 stop lying to yourself and for your answer 135 or above

How much should a 12 year old bench that is 5 feet tall?

Most 5' 12 year old's should be able to bench a little less then there body weight. There muscles and form would be highly underdeveloped. This is also only true if the child is of healthy weight.

About how much should a 12 year old be able to bench?

It is not recommend for a 12-year-olds to perform weightlifting, because it will not increase/enlarge their muscle. It MAY gain some strength, but not very significant. He/she should wait until he/she becomes 16. ..... It is all depends on that 12-year-old's strength and mostly on willpower. That child should start at 1 lbs and then progress 2, 3, 4 to 5 lbs or more.

How much can an average 11 year old lift?

Because of the skeletal immaturity of an 11-year-old, it is not advisable that they train with weights. My recommendation is to play regular sports to develop all-around fitness, plus co-ordination, and wait until you are sixteen (or at least 15).