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Patricio Patterson he attends John Paul Stevens High school in San Antonio, Texas. He is coached by Tracy Hesson. He enjoys much of the same things that Lauren does minus the sugary fatty foods and sodas he is a health nut and president of his schools health education club


Lauren Martin she is on the same team as Patricio, she is also under the same coach as him. She enjoys shopping all the time and Oreos, soda, and anything that has a ridiculous amount of sugar in it...yet she is still pulling amazing times for her 2 mile race.

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Joan Benoit or Bernard Lagat.

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Q: Who is the best cross country runner?
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cross country

What is cross-country runner?

A cross-country runner is a runner who trains and races in a long distance race. The distance are usually 5k and up.

How do you become a cross country runner?

You go out and start running in a cross country environment.

Who is the Fastest cross country runner?

well... that all depends on the amount of energy, the course, and the feeling of the runner at that specific time. i race cross country and the winner for my jr high school is at a 5:40 mile... good but not the best. so no there is no specific fastest cross country runner. For a 5k (3.1 miles), which is what high schoolers run the best time is 15:02. Evan Apple used to run at my school and he ran at a time of 15:10. He was 3rd in the nation. Craig Lutz is the fastest high school cross country runner in the nation.

Who is an enspiring cross country runner?

Steve Prefontaine

What is a cross country runner called?

That answer would be a : Harrier

What president was a cross country runner in college?

bill Clinton

What happened to kyle?

he became very rich and was a famous cross country runner

Can you disqulified from a cross country race if you help a teammate up?

No, you will not be disqualified. I am a cross country runner myself and i didn't get disqualfied for helping a teammate up

Who is the famous white olympic cross country runner during the 70's?

Bruce Jenner

What is the cross country banking?

It is when you draft off another runner till the final moments of the race.

What is the best type of sneaker for cross country?

this depends on what youer needs as a runner are but in general new balance would be your best bet because of its cost, versatility, and adaptability i.e. it can be a trainer or a racing shoe.