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cross country

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Q: Cross country is to a skier as a what is to a runner?
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When was Ivan Ivanov - cross-country skier - born?

Ivan Ivanov - cross-country skier - was born in 1987.

When was Lennart Larsson - cross-country skier - born?

Lennart Larsson - cross-country skier - was born in 1930.

What is cross-country runner?

A cross-country runner is a runner who trains and races in a long distance race. The distance are usually 5k and up.

How many sports does Brian Mckeever play?

He is a cross country skier and biathlete

How do you become a cross country runner?

You go out and start running in a cross country environment.

What has the author Guy Sheridan written?

Guy Sheridan has written: 'Tales of a cross-country skier' -- subject(s): Cross-country skiing

How many athletes did Portugal send to the 2010 Olympics?

1 a Cross Country Skier

What is the mame of the most famous cross countery skier?

The most successfull cross-country skier ever is Bjørn Dæhlie from Norway with 46 world cup wins and 8 olympic golds.

Who is an enspiring cross country runner?

Steve Prefontaine

What is a cross country runner called?

That answer would be a : Harrier

Who won the most gold medals in the 1992 summer and winter Olympics?

1992 Winter Olympics in Albertville: Athlete: Cross country skier Lyubov Yegorova of the Unified Team, cross country skier Vegard Ulvang of Norway, and cross country skier Bjørn Dæhlie of Norway with 3 each. Country: Germany with 10. 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona: Athlete: Gymnast Vitaly Shcherbo of the Unified Team with 6. Country: Unified Team with 45.

What president was a cross country runner in college?

bill Clinton