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Q: Can you inbound the ball into your back court from the front court?
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What is the legal rule that the English Court had established in the case of Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co Ltd?

an offer made to the world at large is valid

What is george Washingtons mom?

Mary Ball Washington is George Washington's mom's name.

How did the name netball come?

Its called netball because the aim of the game is to put the ball in the nat, or though, it was originally called womens basketball. - the game evolved from men's basketball in around 1891. by dividing the court into thirds and using a net on a pole instead of a basket the game became known as netball.

What is the ancestry of Mary Ball Washington?

Mary Ball Washington, the mother of George Washington, was the only child of Joseph Ball and his second wife, Mary Johnson. Her father died when she was three, while her mother died when she was 12.

Has any US Supreme Court justice had a career besides law?

Most US Supreme Court justices spent their entire career in law and/or politics; however, one interesting exception is Byron "Whizzer" White, whom President Kennedy nominated to the Court in 1962. He served until 1993. Byron White didn't attend law school until the end of World War II. Before enlisting, he played professional football for the Pittsburgh Pirates (now Steelers) in 1938, where he was a first-round draft pick from the University of Colorado. White, who got the nickname "Whizzer" from a sports reporter, lead the league in rushing his rookie year. White played for the Detroit Lions in 1940 and 1941. He was one of the highest paid players in the NFL, earning $15,000 a year. He also holds the NFL record for the most lost yards on a single play. The Lions' half-back, looking for an opening in the Rams' defensive line, ran the ball backwards 51 yards, ending up on his opponent's one yard line. The Rams took possession of the ball and scored on the next play. Byron "Whizzer" White was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1954. Samuel Freeman Miller, who served on the Court from 1862 until his death in 1890, was a physician for ten years before becoming a lawyer.

Related questions

In an inbounding the basketball sitiation can a defensive player touch the ball while in the inbounding players hands?

No A team can not inbound the ball from the front court into the back court without penalty.

Is it over and back if a person comes from front court to back court and just touches the ball?

no, that would be a back court violation one may not go across the mid line of the court and then go back The violation only occurs if the ball has crossed into the front court

Moving the ball into the back court once it has been advanced to the front court is called what?

Backcourt Violation

What is cross court in tennis?

Cross court is more commenly known as back-courtHere is a quick definition:Backcourt violation or over & back violation- violation that occurs when the offensive team has brought the ball into the frontcourt, returns the ball into the backcourt once it has positioned itself in the front court: the offensive team crosses the half court line and then crosses back into the back court.As soon as a player from that team touches it in the backcourt , the ball is dead and is awarded to the opposing team for a throw-in.For more info go

If the defensive team tips the ball away in the frontcourt but the offensive team tips it after that wo regaining possessionThen the offensive team recovers the ball in the backcourt. Who's ball?

There are several violations in basketball that are called back court violations:1) The offensive team has 8 seconds (NBA) or 10 seconds (college) to bring the ball from the back court to the front court after inbounding. If the offensive team cannot advance the ball from the back court to the front court in the time allotted, a back court violation is called.2) Once the offensive team brings the ball across the mid court line, they may not pass the ball to a teammate who is behind the mid court line. This is also commonly called an 'over and back violation'.3) Should an offensive player lose control of the ball in the front court, due to their own error, and the ball cross the mid court line back into the back court , the offensive team cannot regain possession of the ball without having a back court violation (over and back) called.

What happens after a back court violation has occurred?

No. A backcourt violation is when a back row player attacks the ball from above the height of the net while in front of or having jumped from in front of the 10 foot line.

How many seconds should it take inbound a basketball and make a basket?

A player has five seconds to inbound the ball, if he/she has not inbound the ball in five seconds, it's a "turnover" the other team gets the ball.

What is Definition of over and back?

In Basketball, once an offensive player passes the half court line with both feet and the ball, the team may not take the ball into the back court unless it is deflected (last touched) by the defense. A player who has just crossed the line with the ball and brings it back into the backcourt is not "over & back". They have not yet established the ball in the front court, therefore cannot have a backcourt violation

How many people play volley ball in a court?

there are only 6 people for each team on court at the one time. 3 front court and 3 back court players

At what point does the count start after a made basket to inbound the ball?

The count starts usually after the referree hands the person inbound passing the ball. This person has (5) seconds to get the ball inbound to another one of their team mates.

If you can not inbound the ball what do you do?

Call a time out.

What is considered over and back in basketball?

It is announcer-speak for when a player reaches over another player from behind, typically in a play for the ball. It is typically cited as a foul, not a violation.Contrary to popular belief, however, it does not in and of itself constitute a foul. To be a foul, it must occur with illegal contact (and not all contact in an over-the-back situation is necessarily illegal). It is often yelled by spectators and coaches alike and, unfortunately, even called by some officials. But there is no foul called over-the-back--and it does not exist as a call available to officials, either.