

Why should kids like football?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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it's all about sports and handballing and kicking and get a goal and be the world's best football champion

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Should kids play tackle football?


Why shouldn't kids play tackle football in school?

they should

At what age is weight training incoporated into football?

they like to start kids in junior high on weight training for football.

Should kids get Super Bowl Monday off from school?

Hell No!! Football sucks!!

How do you play kids touch football?

its like normal football, but instead of tackling you just touch the person with the ball with two or one hand

Which football website is good for kids?

a good football website 4 kids is the AFL website.

What football team should you like?

You should like the packers because they won superbowl!! raiders

Do a lot of people like football?

some like kids in high school or college but this has to change!Basketball rocks and Baseball! Got it! and the answer is no!

What sports kids should not play?

Kids should not play tackle football unless they are trained. The key is proper training, education, equipment and facilities. Most sports can be safe for kids if handled properly, even tackle football. Hockey is another unless properly trained you should not play unless supervised professionally. Rugby (usually European sport) should not be played AT ALL without been trained and without professional supervision !

Which sports do kids watch most?

Generally football, as its the only sport that is always on TV. If there is anything exiting on like Golf Open or Olympics kids will watch that.

What is more popular in England football or fishing?

I think that football is more popular since most kids at school play football and there are alot of kids ion the uk.

Do young kids play football?

Yes, some 3rd graders play tackle football. Many younger kids also play touch and flag football.