I think that football is more popular since most kids at school play football and there are alot of kids ion the uk.
Type your answer here... football, baseball, basketball,softball
Yes, some 3rd graders play tackle football. Many younger kids also play touch and flag football.
In the world the of sport soccer defeats American Football by Millions. Soccer has more fans and kids playing. Even in the United States more kids play soccer as a youth.
baseball and football
soccer, baseball, football, volleyball, beach, snorkeling, kayaking, and anything you can play outside.
Baseball Kickball Basketball Red Rover Football Soccer Capture the flag
Although the sport is gaining popularity here, and is played by millions, especially kids, it still lags behind our more traditional sports of football, baseball, and basketball.
Football or as they call it in the U.S, soccer. They also play tennis, badminton, swimming, table tennis, rugby, cricket, baseball, running and cycling.
everyone of them, although some sports like baseball, basketball, football, and soccer/football, are more popular
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