

Why is soccer aerobic?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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you work out whitch makes you flexible

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Q: Why is soccer aerobic?
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Related questions

Is soccer aerobic?

more than gymnastics

What sports are considered aerobic sports?

Swimming, soccer, tennis, skiing, basketball, volleyball, and bicycling are examples of aerobic sports. Walking, jogging, and dancing are also aerobic.

What type of sports are Aerobic and Anaerobic?

Aerobic: Swimming, soccer, tennis, skiing, basketball, volleyball, and bicycling are examples of aerobic sports. Walking, jogging, and dancing. Anaerobic: Football, Basketball, Rugby, Hockey and Soccer

Do you lose more weight in softball or soccer?

Soccer. MUCH more aerobic (running) excercise

Is soccer better than Dance in terms of aerobic conditioning?

It depends- If you are serious about soccer, and you play competively and practice every week, then yes. If you are not really serious about soccer, then Dance is better for you because not only is it much less dangerous, you can improve aerobic conditioning faster.

Is soccer a aerobic activity?

Except for the goalies, the players spend most of the game running, which elevates respiration and heart rate, which is the definition of an aerobic activity.

Is soccer an anaerobic exercise?

Yes! soccer is a vigorous activity, its not easy to play a full 90 minute match. It takes time and dedication to actually play good for that amount of time.

what athletes use aerobic respiration?

Football, Rugby And sports where you are always running, you are breathing heavily using oxgygen therefore it is aerobicSoccer is a aerobic sport because you are running continuosly, the only part of a soccer team who isn't is the goalkeeper. also, aerobic respiration is respiration using oxygen, so all sports that let you breath envolve aerobic respiration.

Why is aerobic fitness needed in soccer?

Because a player runs for anywhere between 90 and 120 minutes per game.

Which burns more calories basketball or soccer?

Both are aerobic workouts and have all the benefits of such method of exercising. Because of the bursts of energy needed in those games, the workout may be slightly better than more regular aerobic movements.

What type pf physical activity is soccer?

Soccer is an aerobic physical activity in which a person has to move his large muscles. In the case of soccer, the player has to use the large muscles in his legs. This type of physical activity also makes the heart beat faster and the lungs work harder.

What is better for cardiovascular endurance soccer or ballet?

Playing soccer directly relates to cardiovascular endurance. The act of running around during a soccer game, and the action of kicking the ball, is helpful as a cardiovascular exercise.