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Q: When you touch your nipples they hurt and are very sore what is a cause of this?
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Why are your nipples sore to touch but not your breasts?

Because your nipples are small and the breasts are larger with less nerve endings spread out

Why are your nipples sore to touch but not your breast?

Because your nipples are small and the breasts are larger with less nerve endings spread out

Are nipples surpost to hurt during male pubity?

They aren't supposed to hurt, just feel a little sore.

Sore nipples no period at all?

what causes your nipples to be sore and tender and you aren't on your period? Thank you

How do you treat sore cat nipples?

You can use an antibacterial cream on a cat's sore nipples. The cream will help to heal the sore nipples.

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Why does your nipples hurt and are staying hard and your breasts are sore?

To a woman, this condition pertains of being stimulated her body that brings sensation all over her body; erect nipples, and swelling breasts. When a man touch the swelled breasts, a tingling feeling arise that leads to a sexual intercourse.

Why are your cat's nipples sore from nursing her kittens?

Because kittens bite on the nipple and their rough tounges lick it therefore making the nipple sore. what can i do to comfort her if my female cats nipples are sore can i put vasaline on it

What causes sore nipples you are not pregnant and you cycle is not coming on nipples are always sore?

Your question doesn't really make complete sense, but if you are asking what causes sore nipples, other than pregnancy, then I have one answer. Sometimes, a week or two before my menstrual cycle, my nipples are very sore to the touch. If your cycle is not coming, it could be the result from stress. I remember being stressed so bad, my period was delayed a week and three days. So it's perfectly normal for your nipples to be sore, especially if it's close to your monthly.

You are a female with lower abdominal pain and sore nipples?

Sore nipples can be caused by many things, and are usually not anything to worry about. Runners often get sore nipples. If you dont wear a sports bra, or other type bra with proper support, your nipples can rub with too much friction, causing them to hurt and be sore. Hormones also often cause sore nipples. Around the time of the month when you have your period, your hormones are flaring. At this time, it is normal to have sore, tender nipples, which should go away about when your period ends. Additionally, sometimes certain birth control pills can make your nipples sore. They alter your body's hormones and can cause the same response as during your period. Pregnancy hormones can also frequently cause sore nipples. Dryness of the nipple can cause soreness. Some women have problems with dry cracked nipples, and putting a balm or salve on them daily can help. Nursing can cause nipple soreness. If youre nursing though, you are probably already aware. If the soreness becomes a problem, or does not let up, see your doctor for a definitive diagnosis.

Can nipples get sore due to cold weather?

Nipples can get sore due to cold weather.

Could you be pregnant if im tired all the time and have sore nipples all the time?

You could be, I didnt get sick or anything, but was very tired and mine were sore and hurt...