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Nipples can get sore due to cold weather.

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Q: Can nipples get sore due to cold weather?
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Why does your nipples become sore or sensitive during pregnancy?

They become sore due to the changes going on within your breast - the production of milk.

What can cause sore nipples in a 5 and a half year old boy?

It can be due to trauma or infection.

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Why does cold water make a sore throat worse?

Cold water actually should help make the sore throat feel better due to a numbing affect.

What does it mean when your nipple is sore when you move?

Your nipples are bound to hurt if forced with pressure and for that know that its totally natural due to sensitivity in the tissue no worries!"

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The substance is water. It appears when the weather is cold due to condensation.

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Actually a bat can fly and live in cold weather up to 30 degrees.

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If your nose is dry and your throat dry and sore it is heat, if you nose is dripping and wet then it's the cold.

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because they're already edgy due to the cold

Are sore throats countagios?

It depends. If you have a sore throat due to an allergic reaction, then no. If you've been coughing or have swollen sinuses, you probably have a cold or virus, which can be caught.

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Due to cold weather the shelves contract in size so don't fit tight

What is the temperature you feel in cold weather due to the effect of the wind?

Wind chill