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To a woman, this condition pertains of being stimulated her body that brings sensation all over her body; erect nipples, and swelling breasts. When a man touch the swelled breasts, a tingling feeling arise that leads to a sexual intercourse.

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Q: Why does your nipples hurt and are staying hard and your breasts are sore?
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Why do pregnant women's nipples hurt?

well it depends.... if the females nipples hurt, that means the breasts are maybe sweling for breast milk flow, or they are uncomfotable. Not all pregnate women have their nipples hurt....

When your pregnant does your whole breast hurt or just your nipple M y nipples are very sore but breasts are fine?

It varies for each person - sometimes breasts and nipples, sometimes just nipples and sometimes just breasts

What does it mean if your nipples hurt and it's painful but I'm not pregnant because I'm a virgin?

if your breasts, or nipples hurt and your a virgin it just means that your breasts are in the progress of developing, it will hurt but theres nothing to worry about its just the pattern or life!

Do breasts hurt when they develop milk?

It can. While breasts are developing and growing, they can be tender and sore, and that is perfectly normal.

Does it mean when your nipples hurt?

Either your breasts are growing, you're going to get your period soon, or you're pregnant.

Can During your first month into your pregnancy your breasts hurt and your nipples itch?

Every woman's development is different, but yes, it is possible. Breasts grow through a great many changes in preparation for nursing a child. It is worth noting that pregnancy is not the only cause of aching breasts and itching nipples.

Can a girl lick a girls breasts?

You can if you want to, and if she will let you. The breast has many nerves that can result in pleasure to the female by stimulating the breasts and/or the nipples.

What does it mean if your nipples?

If your nipples hurt or you have tender breasts it just means that your boobs are growing and you are getting ready to start your period or have your next period, in other words it is perfectly normal.

At what stage in pregnancy do your nipples hurt?

It can be a sign of pregnancy but EVERY women are different.

How to make your nipples grow through puberty?

Play with you breasts. like rub them, pinch them, and grab them. it might hurt at first but it feels awesome.

Why do your breasts hurt after running?

because of the friction created between the t-shirt and the nipples....

Why do girls breasts hurt?

we girls don't know but there is something in a girl breast that hurt if u keep holding it hard