

How much can a 13 year old usually bench?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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At the age of 13 you shouldn't be benching... Wait a couple years.

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If this twelve year old is on steriods, maybe. I wish I could bench that much and I'm 15! Buddy i am 12 will be 13 in 5 months i bench 175 i am 5,3 135 lbs my dad is a body builder we bench all this time.

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I am 5'6 and I bench max out at 95. I have never worked out this much, just go slow and steady and you'll get there.

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Im 13 an i weigh 145 and i can bench 155 so i guess im good :P

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If your strong 50 lbs.

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Doesn't matter, you do what you can do and that's the end of it.

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a 14 year old boy shouldn't workout too much as his muscles are still forming and growing. Exercises that will help to enlarge the pecks are barbell bench press, incline barbell bench press, decline barbell bench press, and decline dumbbell bench press.

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first of all you cannot bench 308 stop lying to yourself and for your answer 135 or above

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a 16 year old should be lifting in his bench press around 150 and 200 pounds, if you bench within these numbers than your in pretty good shape. But if were talking about squating it should be around 200 threw 250 pounds , but most 16 year olds barely squat as much as bench.

How much should a 15 year old male who ways 170 be able 2 bench and curl?

If your in good shape you should be able to bench you weight, but keep in mind that is a 15 year old that is in shape.As far as arm curls go, I would say 40lbs.