

How do you get to first base without touching ball?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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By a walk.

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Q: How do you get to first base without touching ball?
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Is a batter out if the first-baseman controls the ball on the ground before the batter reaches first?

no.Unless the first baseman is touching first base.

Is a runner out if the first baseman is in foul territory and has the ball in one hand and touches the base with and empty glove?

yes because he has the ball in his possession when he touches the base so it is like touching the base with his foot.

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You're probably looking at 19 Down on your crossword puzzle, aren't you? Well, the answer is 'Slide'.

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On an offensive standpoint, I'll say if the center fielder grounds out while there is at least one base runner directly at the next bag. On defense, if the center fielder catches the ball with their glove and runs to a base in which the base runner did not "tag up" or keep their foot on the bag while they were waiting for the ball to be caught. If that's considered touching the ball, then I'm not sure :)

Is a base hit when the batter makes it to first base in softball?

It can be. A base hit is just when you hit the ball, and get on base without getting out.

Can a runner return to first base on a ground ball without being out?

No, when a ball is hit on the ground, the runners must try and advance to the next base.

A runner not touching the base and a fielder touches him with a glove and ball is?

The runner is out as long as the fielder you touches has the ball in his glove

What is a Baseball Assist?

A baseball 'assist' is given when a fielder 'assists' in the making of an 'out' of an opposing player. For example, a ground ball is hit to the third baseman who throws the ball to the first baseman standing on first base who makes the 'out' by touching first base before the runner who hit the ball does. The first baseman is credited with a 'put out' and the third basemen is credited with an 'assist.'

How can a player get to 1st base without hitting a ball?

Most if not all players have gotten to first base without hitting the ball. Most if not all receive a 'walk' (pitcher throws four pitches that are called balls by the umpire) and some have been hit by the ball thrown by the pitcher. In either case, the batter gets to take first base without ever hitting the ball.

In softball a runner already occupies 1st then ball is thrown OB so 1st base runner awarded third base on a dead ball but runner goes directly to third without touching 2nd base so is the runner out?

The rules state that runners must advance by legally touching each base in succession. In this case, the runner must touch 2B before advancing to 3B, and if she does not, she can be called out on appeal.

If a ball is hit between first and home and hits fair territory first then is fielded in foul territory before passing first base and before touching the ground is the ball considered fair or foul?

foul. the only time you can field a foul ball is if you catch it in the air.

What is single in baseball?

When you hit the ball and run to first base and then stop running without getting out