Well, honey, in Baseball, if a player manages to touch the base before the opposing team tags them with the ball, they are considered safe. It's called "tagging up" when a player touches the base after a fly ball is caught, allowing them to advance to the next base. So, remember, it's all about timing and speed on the field, darling.
In baseball, a base is "safe" in that a player can not be tagged out if they are on the base before either they, or the base in some instances, are tagged.
Flow Cytometry
The batter has either been struck out, tagged out, or flyed out
In baseball, when a player is running the bases, if he or she is touching any base (usually with a foot, although a person sliding into base might use a hand instead) that player safe, meaning, he or she cannot be tagged out, and will not be out if the baseball is caught and thrown to the catcher. He or she can remain at the base, and can continue running the next time the baseball is hit, by the next player who is up.
Only if the ball is inside the glove
Some kids like to play baseball. Now you can play it in your home. Just get a balloon and blow it up about the same size as a baseball. Have one person throw the balloon. The other person can hit the balloon with a wooden spatula or wooden spoon. LEt the batter try to run to the couch or a chair without being tagged........ The kids can make up your own rules. OR you could entertain a kid by getting them to hit a balloon as many times as they can without it touching the ground using a wooden spoon.
One, by crossing the plate without being tagged out.
Can you clarify your question?
Yes - getting tagged out trying to stretch a hit to gain an additional base.
yeah Selena Gomez has a Tagged i have a Tagged to and shes my friend on there if u have a tagged and if u wanna add her just message me i will give u her name on tagged my email is nakita_mcmillin@yahoo.com message me i will give u her official name on Tagged
Yes, usually by a catcher, pitcher or 1st baseman playing in.