Well it depends on how mature you are. Also if you want to go to the Olympics I would say start around 4. If not maybe 7-10 would be best. Remember you can start a sport at any age.
No, you can start gymnastics at any age. It is a fun sport to stay active and in shape for any age. :) Hope this helped
I started playing baseball when I was 4.
25 with a posiblty of 23
No. You can start almost any sport at almost any age.
You can be any age, its better to start younger like any sport, but there are leaguges for older people to.
Exercise is best to start at a young age, where playing and running around is crucial in everyday life. Often once kids go to school, they take a sport. If there is no sport, make sure you get your child involved in a sport or program after school. Joining a gym is good, too.
when he was 23